Doing the Work

It seems like a huge part of life is feeling like we cannot do enough.

We are not good enough or that we should have pushed a little harder. Or maybe it’s just that we are not sure what to push harder on, or what direction to go because things just don’t work out as we had planned.

The Arnold Schwarzenegger Story

Most of us are aware of Arnold Schwarzenegger. And as human nature goes we probably remember him by all the mistakes he has made. Yet one of his greatest strengths is that he realized those mistakes and has worked hard to make them right.

Wouldn’t it be great if none of us ever made mistakes, yet that is where our greatest learnings come from.

It would be so much easier if we learned from others’ mistakes or even from history. Yet just the fact that we are human and we are here to learn, we are given the opportunities.

And the greatest learning is to learn to love ourselves.

Another great principle that Arnold believed in was Hard Work. Whatever you want in life you have to put in the work. Nothing in this life comes easy.

Arnalds life depicts hard work. First was his body building which he spent many hours a day in the gym. His hard work in the gym led him to America and the opportunity to be Mr Universe over several years.

His hard work there led him to be an actor. He also had to learn to speak English to be more successful. That led him to politics.

Every step of the way was paved with hard work.

There are so many from our past that have demonstrated hard work. In fact we only hear about those that do the work.

Others just fade away.

What do we work harder at?

The big question we have is what in our life do we need to work harder at?

Or what in our life feels hopeless or even missing?

It might even be that some things in our life need to be discarded in order to make room to do that hard work.

  1. Things like getting off social media.
  2. Get rid of vice.What vices? Over eating, TV binging, spending too much on unproductive stuff, or just procrastination. There are more vices than can be listed here yet I believe that each one of us knows what is distracting us from our potential.
  3. Start a morning routine.What works for you? Pray, meditation, exercise, making your bed. What routine is one that gets you up and moving?
  4. Journaling about your day.How did your exercise work out? What feelings did you start your day with? What things made you smile. What activities did you enjoy with your family? Journal about everything.

There is where you can see a pattern of hard work or a need to work harder.

Examples of Working Hard

An example would be if you had struggles with your family during the day then it would be good to read a book or go to a professional to find a better way to deal with relationships.

Then practice and practice.

Keep researching and practicing until you find what is going to work for you and your family.

That is hard work.

Working hard is valued a lot in society. Even from childhood we hear if you want to be successful it is important to work hard.

And there is that great debate that asks which is better to work hard or or to work smart. To make a long story shorter, to work smarter is in the 1,2,3,4, above.

Just get rid of distractions.

What does working hard really mean?

It is different for different people.

  1. Put in extra hours (Don’t forget selfcare and family)
  2. Working more intensely, (Remember to take breaks)
  3. Focused effort put into their work, physically mentally, emotionally
  4. Maintain high standards, give more than asked for.
  5. Take initiative.
  6. Keep going and don’t give up.

Why is it important to work Hard??

Are we just keeping ourselves busy or are we accomplishing
our goals and our life direction?

There is a difference between working constantly and working hard. We are humans and our body, mind and souls need rest.

Taking a break when needed increases our productivity, it helps to keep our minds sharp. And rest to keep our energy going.

  1. We can start the process by first deciding what your goals and purpose in life are. (Get step by step information on the free download.)
  2. Break our goals down into bit size work loads.
  3. Keep negative thoughts from entering or disrupting.
  4. Have planned small breaks.
  5. If you are feeling stuck then it might be time to do some more research. What is the next right step? Meditate after the research, staying focused on what is at hand.

It’s easy to let your mind wander during meditation, so keep bringing it back until you have found a solution.

Understanding and using these steps to work hard and being able to vary the methods to keep moving forward increases our well-being and our performance.

Doing hard work changes our outlook, our ability to move forward and even how we see the world and ourselves.

Choosing to do hard things and work hard makes life one step better each day.

How bad do you really want it?

Get the free download here!

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