Running the Spartan Race: How do I live my life?

I ran the Utah Super Spartan!

This was an experience that has touched me to the core. There were no distinctions of classes. All people chipped in to help each other.

Small people were helping larger people get over or through the daunting obstacles. People were helping each other get up and start again.

Cheering “You can do this. Just a few more feet” was constantly spoken. People carried each other’s weighted bags. People stopped to give others water or food.

This was a time and place that brought more comradery than I have felt in any other place of my life (next to family), no discrimination, no degrading, just genuine concern.

In one area there was a very steep hill and in portions of it I had to crawl to get to the top. A total stranger stayed right behind me all the way to the top just in case I slipped. I did not ask him to do that; he just did it.

That will be a memory of a lifetime.

He did not have to care and I am sure I will never see him again, yet he chose to go a slower pace to see that I could make the hill.

Also, running this race with two of my daughters will always be etched in my heart. I saw them push themselves to go beyond their normal ability to do seemingly impossible obstacles.

And they still took time to help others when they were struggling.

If I could liken this experience to life, what would our world look like? It is hard at times to imagine so much concern for mankind. Yet, you can see this in times of human desperation. People can be good.

Life can be good.

We can find love and concern for all around us. At the rate of one person at a time, we can lift and love them. Every one of us has the ability to take one more step and to love others just one more time.

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Like the chant on race day-

“Come on we can do this for 15 more minutes.

“For 15 more minutes.

“Again for 15 more minutes.”

I am writing this in part to help my heart remember the feelings of deep compassion that I felt that day during this seemingly impossible task when over a thousand-people were working together to make it to the finish line.

Life is one step at a time.

We really can win this race.

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